Sunday, September 16, 2007

I did it!

Week 9: thing 23
This Jewell in the rough has become a more polished gem thanks to School Library Learning 2.0. I have learned so much and will go back to many tools and continue to learn. Life Long Learning!
The fact that I could learn and play at my own pace was wonderful. All the tools were given to me to peruse. I could take what I liked, learn about the rest and just feel more knowledgeable about online tools. I think I can now intelligently discuss blogs, wikis, RSS feed, etc. Woo hoo!
There are many discoveries that were my favorites. I know that I will use these tools again for fun, information, lessons, notes, thoughts. Included in this group are: Library Thing, ZOHO,, Yahoo! Answers, Image Generators, Wikis and blogs.
What surprised me the most was that almost every "thing" was simple enough to do. The School Library Learning 2.0 team did such a terrific job in writing out the lessons, explaining what each "thing" did and could be used for, and giving examples/web sites that made sense.
I do plan on forwarding my LibraryJewel blog to the library techs. in my district and the staff at my school. Everyone is so busy and doesn't have time to discover new things on their own - this is a perfect way to see and learn. I would definitely take more discovery programs in the future. OK - I know this is two words but I would describe my learning experience as...
Joyfully Enlightening! Thank you so much for the learning, discovery journey!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tonne more image generator tools on